Monday, December 13, 2010


One of Aiden's favorite activities is making Christmas Cookies. I don't think the time of year matters either :) I made my mom's sour cream sugar cookie recipe..which is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE most amazing sugar cookie recipe ever on the face of the Earth (in my humble opinion). Aiden did a great job of cutting out the shapes and Averie did a great job of sticking her fingers in the dough and eating whatever she could shove in her mouth. :)

I swear he's happy despite his odd look....
These kids are quite serious about their cookie cutting...

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Our sweet girl is turning FIFTEEN months this next week. Uhm...excuse me? Did you just say FIFTEEN? That can't be! I could have sworn I would be super skinny by the time she was 6 months...whoops :) Anyway, now that Ave has a little more hair in the back than she does up top, my girlfriend Sara told me about a friend of hers who has her daughter's hair in pigtails in the back and just lets the top hang loose. This got my wannabe hairdresser wheels turning in my head...would this work on my little muffin cake? Let's give it a whirl...

Here's a glimpse of the back

Success! I'm in love!

One went limp...maybe need some "product" on these babies..
Sweet sweet Piggies :)

Field Trip!

Aiden's preschool ventured out to the mac nut farm this past week. It was SUPER FUN! Averie and I rode with another mom, and joined in on the festivities. We saw a coconut demonstration, a really fun bus ride in a bus that looked like in belonged in a movie. It had busted out windows, rusty, filthy actually, but it was fun going through what Aiden called the "forest." We went on a canoe ride as well. It rained on us the whole time. Got a gorgeous picture of the mountains from the boat though! We ended the day with a trip to Mickey D's, and I'm happy to report that Aiden chose apples over french fries :) Averie slept the whole way home, and it was much needed. Homegirl needs her beauty rest!

Here's Aiden with some of the kids from his class..
Gorgeous mountains from boat
kids and I after coconut demo
Calling all villagers!
Ave scored a cookie from the ladies in the gift shop!
It was a fun day. Wish daddy Jonny could have joined us!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Life...and the pursuit of CRAZYness.... looks like our blog is needing some serious love. I've had so much fun lately stalking everyone ELSE's blog... and I've made ZERO time to write on my own. I feel like I have been so busy, but when I sit and look at what I've been doing, it really seems like a whole lotta nuttin'. Go figure. SO I have decided to "try" to make a serious commitment to be a little more ''blogworthy'' and document the going ons of our family. After all, you blink and it's all gone in an instant right?

Now where to begin? I feel like I have so much catching up to do it would take me a month just to get it all up, so I think I'm just gonna jump in where I am right at this very moment.

Lauren: I am super content and happy with life. I have so much around me that I have to be grateful for. My kids are healthy, fed, and bathed (most of the time), I'm getting busier with Endless Glow, vinyl is picking up in a big way, my house is clean most days, and I've been able to spend time with some wonderful friends. Leaving Hawaii is going to be an emotional event FOR SURE. I love my life here. It's where Jon and I started, where we brought Averie home, where I survived our first deployment together, and where I've made AMAZING friends with whom I will keep in touch with forever. Life really is good. I feel immensely blessed.

Jon: I can't really speak for JB, (although what kind of wife would I be if I didn't try) ;) but he has been flying again, and I think it's been going well. He's flying nights, so his day starts at 1:00pm and ends anywhere from 9:00pm-1:00am. He's been in TWO college chemistry courses through Oregon State University, and is prepping for the SAT...which happens to be TOMORROW! It's been a WILD and JAM PACKED couple of months. I think it's safe to say that after next week when classes end and the SAT is out of the way, we have a great excuse to celebrate!

Speaking of that, Jon was in a golf scramble today with the guys from work, and whoever won and beat the commander would get a 3 day weekend. Not only did Jon and his partner Matty WIN...Jon got his first HOLE IN ONE!!!!!!! They ended up -5 after 9 holes. I'm super proud!! He got a trophy and will be in the newspaper tomorrow.

Aiden: This little whippersnapper has been in preschool 3 days a week since October, and he is LOVING IT! I cannot believe how much he has grown and learned in just a few weeks. He's recognizing so many letter sounds, and associating them with words, among many other things. He's always singing, and is such a happy kid. He can successfully recite the Pledge of Allegiance. He says it PERFECTLY and it's so adorable. His favorite song right now is, "Rain is a good thing" by Luke Bryan, and he's really into Christmas songs right now. I think we laugh daily at the stuff that he says, and I wish I could freeze him like this and he would never get bigger. Some of the things that we've heard lately include...

1- me "Aiden, why does it take you sooooooo lonnnnngggg to go potty?" Aiden-" Because I have brain damage mom."

2- "Mom, Jesus has special powers. He was not at the temple when we went there. I wish he would just appear in my room."

3- "Kids can't see Santa in their house on Christmas, 'cuz if they do, all his magic will go away and you'll have the worst Christmas ever."

Every time he says a prayer, he prays that Averie and Daddy Jonny will "get better from their sickness." They haven't been sick in weeks...but I guess a little extra praying might prevent more? :)

Averie: Oh miss Ave. Her personality is unreal. I have one word for it. D.I.V.A. She has got to be the funniest baby in the world. Sometimes I wish I could freeze her too. She's so freaking smart and sneaky she has been named the "ninja." You can take something out of her hand and then IMMEDIATELY something else appears. I have ever seen anything like it. She loves being elevated. So we find her standing on anything and everything she can to gain a couple inches. She figured out how to use her car as a step stool, so she can get on the sofa now. That lasted about twice, now she doesn't even need the help. She's figured out how to get on the kitchen chairs as well. Just tonight she ended up in Aiden's lap while he was finishing dinner. Oy. When asked if she's hungry, she will nod "yes" with her WHOLE BODY and run to her high chair to be buckled in. But you absolutely no way whatsoEVER slide her tray on without putting on her Elmo bib FIRST. Good gravy. The same goes with napping/bathtime/bedtime. You ask if she wants to do it, you get the body nod of approval and she darts to the gate at the bottom of the stairs and starts to wave and say "bye bye" to everyone who is within earshot. Like I said. Smart. Opinionated. Sassy. Whoa are Jon and I in for it. She's something else I tell ya. I couldn't imagine our life without her. She brings so much fun, silliness, innocence, curiosity, and just all around JOY to all who meet her. We are lucky to call her our own.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. We've been getting excited for Christmas! The kids got an Elf on the Shelf on Thanksgiving night, and named him Lucky Twinkletoes. He's been doing a great job scouting for Santa, and for the most part has had good things to report. Our Christmas shopping is finished, minus a few odds and ends, and we made our first round of sugar cookies tonight, which will be decorated VERY soon!

I'm going to see if I can scrounge up some pictures and post them below...

Our tree (horrible pic) It's cute I promise!
Brotherly Love.
Aiden at school holding the flag for the Pledge
Afternoon walk...complete with accessories!
Surprise from Santa!