Friday, April 24, 2009

Stop....Potty Time!

This week has been working on goal number 2 while Jon is away...Potty Training. Oh have I stressed about this, had nightmares about this, DREADED this for 3 years. But today at 6pm, I saw a light the end of the tunnel...the toilet tunnel that is. I started officially potty training on Sunday this week. I gave in and bought the highly recommended e-book from At a steep price of 24 bucks, I was committed. The lady that wrote this book says throw out all diapers and pull ups. And have the child do it. (Are you kidding me?! Those are a pretty penny) So feeling guilty for spending the money on this book, I got a garbage bag and had Aiden put the last of his diapers and pull ups inside and say goodbye. He was only gonna wear underwear now. He was totally okay with this. Waved bye bye to the bag and to the garage it went. (I can't bring myself to chuck em). Let the games begin! Aiden was told that he could not pee on his Thomas underwear or Thomas would be VERY sad, and that he was to let me know when it was time to potty. I can honestly say, Aiden did great! With just 2 accidents, he's been consistently using the potty for #1. JUST #1. That night was my first nightmare of you know what smeared you know where and I'm alone away from everyone left with the smell and stench. Thankfully this did not happen. I think I would surely die!

So Sunday comes and goes, as well as Monday, and no #2. Great. Now I've constipated the kid. So now I second guess everything. Is he not ready? Am I pushing this too fast? Is he scared? Ugh, I can't do an accident of this kind. My superhero pregnant nose will detect it and I will pass out...I'm sure of it. Why did I decide to do this without Jon? I must be crazy. Well, while I am feeling sorry for myself for trying to tackle this what seems to be daunting task, Aiden hides under the kitchen table and....yep you guessed it. I was crushed! After all the positive encouragement, offering of treats, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc. How could this little "turd" (no pun intended) do this to me?! Anyway, we run to the bathroom, clean up the mess and tell Thomas that Aiden was sorry for "coloring" him. So Wednesday and Thursday come and go with no more #2. Stopped up again. Fantastic. So I whip out the mandarin oranges and juice and hi fiber foods to try and make this kid do his the right spot. Once again, Aiden thinks that he should hide in his closet to do this. LUCKY! So we clean that up and I express how important it is for Aiden to send his stuff down the tunnel in the potty, and that he NEEDS to tell mommy when he feels like he needs to go.

Friday is here. Still doing GREAT on #1. I'm getting nervous for what is inevitably after my Dr. Appt that was a joke (blog to follow later) I decide that we need BIG incentive to make this a thing of the past. The NEX has a Thomas the train section, and I let Aiden pick out a train that he could have when he finally went on the pot. He wanted it on the way home, to carry it in the house, sit with it at dinner, etc. I said, "NO WAY! NOT UNTIL YOU POOP IN THE POTTY." I decided that the shiny new incentive would sit on our shelf where Aiden could see it all afternoon and think about maybe trying to "git r done."

He's such a trickster. He peed about 6 times trying to get me hand over the prize, saying how is bum is empty and he just can't put his stuff in the bowl. I started ignoring his persuasion and finally...after a couple of hours...out of NOWHERE, the kid dashes in the bathroom without a word and sits and DOES IT! I started screaming, crying, jumping up and down and almost had an accident of my own. Oh the elation! I clearly felt like I was floating. I know, over bodily waste, crazy!

So now, Aiden is enjoying his new shiny Thomas complete with a jet engine that lights up and makes sounds, and I am sitting on the sofa blogging a novel about the event. Ah, the things we get excited about when you grow up and have kids.

Scattered about through this lengthy post is Aiden, post potty, with his reward. Enjoy. I'm loving every minute of it!

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