Tuesday, May 26, 2009

belly pic of the week....6 MONTHS?!

So here we are. 24 weeks, (or 6 months) preggo with lil' Miss Averie. Aiden gets excited to hold the sign in front of the mirror every week. I think he's going to be sweet big brother. He loves to give "snuggle snuggles" and "kissy kisses" to Jon, Averie and myself. We remind Aiden almost daily that I am not a jungle gym and that he needs to be careful around my belly. Hopefully he'll get it soon because I'm going to be a super freak when the baby finally gets here!

I can't belive it's been 6 months! It seems time has just flown. Maybe because I got engaged, married, moved to Hawaii and sent jon to NTC for a month. That will take your mind off the long wait to delivery! It seems so long ago I was hugging a pillow in my bed in Las Vegas wishing I could just sleep away the nausea, or better yet, have Janette come put me out of my misery. Either way, I'm grateful that portion of this pregnancy is over! However, I have moved on to other pregnancy woes. Such as ACNE. Eww. I despise it. Hate it with a passion. I feel like i'm going through puberty but times a million. I am trying to not stare or mess with any of it. If you know me, you know that is nearly impossible! Hopefully I can at least control it until I deliver....it went away after Aiden pretty quickly. If that's the only major thing I have to complain about...then sheesh! I must be doing pretty well!

Averie is moving what feels like constantly and Aiden (Jon too) let out a giggle when they saw my belly jump the other night. I just love those two. Averie is going to be spoiled rotten by these guys, that's for sure!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bake sale

I made these today for the FRG bake sale tomorrow at the hangar. Aiden
and I did a taste test... Pretty good! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This is what happens after 2 hours at the playground :-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Belly pic of the week

22 weeks! I'm up almost 4 pounds and probably should control what goes
in my mouth! I LOVE sugar!! Jon gets home Friday and he'll get to feel
Averie moving! I can't wait!!

Blog from iphone

Just seeing if this works!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Silly sayings form Abay

This last week has been SO REFRESHING! Leslie (my friend since 7th grade) is making a temporary move to Maui, and she came and stayed with Aiden and I for almost a week before heading over! I cannot even tell you how nice it was to have a girlfriend to talk to 24/7, go to the beach with, get massages with, eat junk food and laugh with. Not to mention Aiden was in love :) We had a great time caching up on the craziness of our lives, and we could not stop laughing at things Aiden would say.... Here are a few Samples.

#1- Aiden is just waking up for the day and yells from his room, "Hey mom, It's ME, Aiden!" "I'm awake now."
#2- We are getting TCBY the other night and Aiden insists on doing the ordering. He tells me, "Mom, I need to talk to the lady about my ice cream." So I pick him up so he can choose his flavor out of the case, and he chooses a purple and yellow sorbet. He tells the lady that he would like that kind and while she is scooping only the purple color Aiden says, "Hey lady, I need the YELLOW too!" Yes, I was beat red. :) It was all said politely, but he really needs to learn the term ma'am and not 'lady'. Jeez....

#3- In the spirit of being 3 years old, Mr. Aiden does NOT like holding my hand while crossing the street, in a parking lot, etc. He got too far away too many times, so I yelled at him to get closer. He swiftly says, "Mom you can't yell at me, you need to make good choices!" What a way to remind me what's important Aiden...thanks. :)

He's a crack up!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Belly pic of the week

21 weeks today. Averie is moving more, I can feel her often throughout the day. Some days I have energy, and others (like the last two) I am absolutely whipped. My arthritis is still very agressive, although I've read 70% of women go into remission while pregnant. Guess I'm not one of those girls! All in all things are fine. I see the OB for the first time here in Hawaii, and I hope it goes well!
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

A day of P....popcorn chicken, park, and playing around

It seems that even with preschool, Aiden is still needing more entertainment. Some days i feel like I JUST CAN'T be the only one for the job. I am not a jungle gym, my limit for playing trains and airplanes is not as long as Aiden would like it to be, and I can only watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse about 453 times until...well you know. I could sprout Minnie ears and a tail at any moment. :)

The solution??? Get our butts outside! We found a playground by the Barlow's house, which is just down the street. I told Aiden we were gonna have a picnic and go to the park, and of course he wanted pop tarts. He settled for KFC, and off to the drive-thru we went. We pull up, got our beach towel and food and hit the slides. The weather was perfect, and there were kids from the nearby houses all out there playing. At that moment, little Hannah Barlow, who is in preschool with Aiden comes running saying hi. Aiden was soooooo happy! He just adores her. She really is an adorable and sweet little girl.

After a little while of playing, Milena (Hannah's mom) comes out too, and we had the nicest time chatting about kids, church, shopping, etc. I LOVE that I met her and that she lives close! It was so great to have Aiden burning off his extra energy, and that I got a little bit of a break. :) We were there almost 2 hours!

We will definitely frequent this little park. We got home, had baths, and Aiden slept ALL NIGHT in his bed. He has not done this since Jon has left, so when I woke up this morning realizing that we both slept all night, I couldn't believe it! It was great!
Hannah and Aiden

Friday, May 1, 2009

Melon Lime Cooler


4 1/2 cups cubed honeydew melon (about 1 small) ( I'm buying frozen)
1 1/2 cups lime sherbet
2 Tbs. lime juice
fresh strawberries (optional)


1. Place melon cubes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Cover and freeze 30 minutes or until firm.
2. Position knife blade in food processor bowl. Add frozen melon, sherbet, and lime juice. Process until smooth.
3. Pour into glasses. Garnish with strawberries, if desired. Serve immediately.

When the girls come over, serve these up in a fun glass, add an umbrella, or a charm on the stem if you're using stemware. Fun!

Mommy Margaritas

In all of my husband-less-ness, I've had a few instances where I was almost "driven to drink." :-P Either that or Aiden and all this transitioning is gonna give me preeclampsia at some point... either way I have seriously questioned if I can do TWO kiddos instead of just one. I used to think I had it all together, my son was an angel, and I couldn't be more blessed. I still feel immensely blessed, however I think my hormones and joint pain and missing Jon terribly have just made me feel at my limit some days. SOOOOOO, in lieu of this, I have decided to create the "mommy margarita club." It's open to all gals with ovaries, kids are not a requirement. I'm going to choose a fun drink recipe, a "mocktail" if you will and the girls in the group will have a month to get together with girls where they live and try it out. I think preferably this get together should be done sans kids, but hey, who are we kidding? So the rule is, you have to enjoy the monthly beverage with at least 1 other girlfriend with or without kids, and you have to talk about celebrity gossip, getting pampered, fun new recipes, or some other girly thing that makes you feel like YOU, and not just a stressed out momma/ future momma. I want to find a super yumm-o recipe and post it by the 5th so this can get rollin'. Please send any ideas or recipes my way!

Ahh...I think this could be a goody....